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The main role and advantageous features of deep hole grinding machines

Deep hole grinding machines are mainly used for grinding the inner and end faces of cylindrical, conical or other molded devices.

Deep hole grinding machines are mainly used for grinding the inner and end faces of cylindrical, conical or other molded devices. The workpiece is mounted on the spindle of the carriage head in a circular motion according to the clamp, the operating table drive carries out the vertical shift and reverse motion along the bed slide, and the main frame is a lateral feed motion along the rolling saddle.

The main frame of the deep hole grinder can also rotate the vertical axis to a certain perspective to grind tapered holes, the workpiece is fixed to the planet, the grinding wheel in addition to rotating around the axis, but also around the axis of the hole processing to achieve the round on the knife, suitable for grinding large workpieces or not rotating workpieces as the internal combustion engine engine body.

The frame head of the deep hole grinding machine is mainly used to mount and clamp the workpiece and drive the workpiece to rotate, in the reversible clock of the level 90°, the frame head rotates. The grinding wheel spindle is used to support the grinding of the internal bore. The internal grinding wheel spindle is driven by a separate motor, which is used by the deep hole grinder to support and utilize the spindle of the high-speed running wheel.

The wheel holder is mounted on a sliding saddle, which can be adjusted to a certain angle of view, ±30°, on a level plane during grinding of short taper surfaces, and the tailstock supports the workpiece together with the tip. The rolling saddle and the lateral feed organization turn the side handwheels. The lateral feed organization can be used to drive the rolling saddle and sharpen the wheel carrier in a lateral feed movement.